From today, July 21 and until Sunday 24, a unique event will take place in Cagliari.

The European summer is always a seduction for tourists, especially for those who have the opportunity to enjoy the best beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. But they are not the only focus of attraction, because from today the International Padbol Tournament will take place on the beatiful Sardegna, Italy.
In the middle of the summer season, with a gorgeous wheater, fusion sport will be present at the Padbol Ferrini Cagliari venue. The event will have luxury protagonists: the multiple Spanish and world champions, Juan Alberto Ramón and Juanmi Hernández, as well as the winners of the recent Italian contest, Simo Angilletta and Alessandro Vender. But there will also be others top-class players.
Also, the tournament will have important sponsors, Padbol federations from the mains world leagues, participants from all over the globe, and obviously, with the stellar presence of Chivi.
Every day, the courts of Cagliari increase their inquiries received to practice the discipline, and expectations rise on an Island that eagerly awaits to see the spikes, volleys and headers of these elite players.