The first international meeting of Padbol representatives
During the meeting, the new Padbol branded playing field, the new exclusive development application, the sports calendar and the official presentation of “Padbol Academy” were presented.
The first international meeting of Padbol representatives, which took place on Saturday, February 25, 2023 in the city of Alicante, Spain, was a great success. During the meeting, the new Padbol branded playing field, the new exclusive development application, the sports calendar and the official presentation of “Padbol Academy” were presented.
The event was attended by prominent Padbol representatives from around the world, such as Elisabeta Gherghisan from Padbol Romania / Bulgaria / Moldova, Abdulaziz Yousif from Padbol Qatar, Gyuri Garics from Padbol Austria / Germany / Liechtenstein, Hussein Kapasi and Kabir Khorram of Padbol United Arab Emirates / Kuwait, Aly Nour of Padbol Egypt, Attila Horváth, Gábor Halmai and Tamás Bócz of Padbol Hungary, Andy Moore and Vik Sharma of Padbol UK; and assistants from Ukraine, Andorra and Cyprus.
The private presentation of the new Padbol branded court was the icing on the cake. Attendees were able to witness the exhibition of the best players in the world, including the most successful in the history of Padbol, Juanmi Hernandez, along with Migue Barceló Alonso, Fide and Fran Santiago Gracia. Their courts will also have technological tools such as digital scoring and the recording of the best points of each match.
In addition, the new Padbol Match booking tool was presented, which provides greater ease and interrelation between Padbol clubs and their players. On the other hand, Padbol Academy will offer campuses, courses and certifications for trainers and referees.
Finally, the return of international competitions was confirmed with a new edition of the World Cup next November 2023. The venue will be defined in March among the four applications that have reached the final stage.