The Argentine team made up of Gonzalo Maidana – distinguished as MVP of the competition – Tomás Labayen and Rodrigo Maidana were crowned Champion of the first edition of the Copa América de Padbol “Brazil 2017”, an event in which pairs from Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay also participated. .
Played in the fantastic Clube de Campo de Sorocaba (São Paulo, Brazil), the tournament had a very good general level and an exciting final between Argentina and Uruguay that was to “rent balconies”.
Finally, the scoreboard ruled that Argentina prevailed over the N1 couple from Uruguay – composed of Eddy Bueno and Sebastián Sanroman – by a final score of 6 × 7, 6 × 3 and 6 × 4 in a very even and first-rate duel.
From Padbol Internacional we want to congratulate the entire Padbol Brasil team for their remarkable organizational work, all the people of the Clube de Capo de Sorocaba, the 4 participating delegations, the wonderful Brazilian people and all the Padbol fans who followed the broadcast on I live from different parts of the world.
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