Chivi, the Official Padbol Mascot
Padbol finally has its Official Mascot and it is a friendly American Jaguar or Yaguareté who has been named Chivi. Name’s Origin Its name is a derivative of the Chiví Guazú denomination, the way that the Guaraní culture calls this beautiful feline, the largest of the natives of the American continent. Inspiration It is an aesthetically very beautiful animal, but at the same time of great fierceness, a natural predator. There is an equivalence with Padbol, a sport that is very visually attractive but is far from being pure “entertainment” but has all the characteristics of being competitive and passionate. It is also noted that both Padbol and Chivi have a common geographic origin; being…
Israel, a great success!
Padbol has started its journey in Israel in the second half of 2019 by opening the first club in Tel Aviv and offering 4 official playing fields. The public's response has been immediate and amazing: facilities always full, professional soccer teams that add it to their regular training sessions every week and a large number of tournaments developed. The repercussion is so great that more playing fields are already available in other parts of the country and several new openings are planned before the end of 2020. To get the last Padbol Israel news go to or Instagram…
Bolivia, every day more passionate about Padbol!
The facilities of "Naranja Mecanica Padbol Club" offer 3 playing fields in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Uruguay, King of America!
Sebastian Sanroman and Eddy Bueno, experienced duo representing Uruguay, have managed to be crowned as the new Padbol monarchs in the American continent in the II Edition of this tournament held at Mecca Padbol Club in La Plata, Argentina. The final match faced the 2 candidates in the pre-contest, faced the Uruguayans with the Argentina of Tomi Labayen and Gonza Maidana, reliving the final of Sorocaba 2017. The difference has been that this time the glory remained for the representatives of " la celeste "who in this way has taken revenge and will hold this title until the next edition,…
European Padbol Tour: Romania
The European Padbol Tour is a competition that every year visits all the venues of the old continent, accompanying the passion that Padbol generates. We share a video created during his stage at Romania.
Highlights Final Spain Padbol Tour Lebrija
Summary of the best moments of an exciting final in Padbol Lebrija (Spain). Thanks to Padbol Madrid for the video.
Welcome Israel!
A new destination for PADBOL is already defined, Israel, a country that joins the great international list that is already part of the "Fusion Sport" family and that will soon start activities through a new club that will offer our sport with 4 playing fields in the city of Tel Aviv. The company DNE SPORTS LTD has taken exclusive representation for all Israel and promises to make PADBOL a popular sport in that country. The PADBOL INTERNACIONAL Company and all those who are part of the PADBOL world welcome our Israeli brothers, wish them the greatest success and wait for…
America’s Cup 2019
The second edition of the "Copa America" of Padbol will take place next November at La Meca Padbol Club facilities, which operate within the "El Volcán" club, located in the city of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. After the success achieved during its first edition, disputed in the Clube de Campo de Sorocaba (Brazil) in 2017, the most important Padbol tournament of the American continent will be played in the city where the "Fusion Sport" was born and with the participation of a record of national teams. Argentina, next host and current Champion, will seek to retain the title achieved…
PadCenter wins the first EPT!
The couple representative of the PadCenter club (Odivelas, Portugal) formed by Ricardo Marques and Gregoor Van Dijk has won the first stage of the European Padbol Tour - EPT - which took place in France and through a grand final played against their fellow countrymen of the Padbol Sintra Club represented by Ricardo Correia Da Silva and Antonio Henriques. The podium was completed by another pair of Padbol Sintra, showing a Portuguese hegemony in this first stage. The next stage of the EPT will take place in Romania, from August 31 to September 1, 2019.