Olivian Surugiu y Victoras Popescu se consagraron campeones del III Torneo Internacional de Cerdeña
Olivian Surugiu y Victoras Popescu se consagraron campeones del III Torneo Internacional de Cerdeña Los rumanos, actuales campeones del mundo, derrotaron en la final a los españoles Javier Asensio y Fidelio Santiago por 7-6 y 6-3 y, con este resultado, repitieron el título obtenido en 2023. Los rumanos Olivian Surugiu y Victorias Popescu reafirmaron su dominio en el Mundo Padbol, tras consagrarse por segundo año consecutivo del Torneo Internacional de Cerdeña. En esta oportunidad, le ganaron la final a los españoles Javier…
Uruguay, King of America!
Sebastian Sanroman and Eddy Bueno, experienced duo representing Uruguay, have managed to be crowned as the new Padbol monarchs in the American continent in the II Edition of this tournament held at Mecca Padbol Club in La Plata, Argentina. The final match faced the 2 candidates in the pre-contest, faced the Uruguayans with the Argentina of Tomi Labayen and Gonza Maidana, reliving the final of Sorocaba 2017. The difference has been that this time the glory remained for the representatives of " la celeste "who in this way has taken revenge and will hold this title until the next edition,…
Quito Padbol Tour
Continuing with the development of Padbol in Ecuadorian lands, the new dates of the Quito Padbol Tour are confirmed, a competition that takes place in stages, attracting the best players of the city of Quito. The competition is developed at the facilities of La Pradera (La Pradera MegaPlaza on Av. Republic, between Av. Eloy Alfaro and Pradera). The Quito Padbol Tour distributes valuable points for the Ecuadorian ranking and also various prizes. As indicated by the Ecuadorian National Representative of Padbol Julio Moreno "This Tour generates a competitive growth that is reflected in the constant increase in the level of…
Wonderful Spanish National Padbol 2018
Juan Alberto Ramón and Juanmi Hernández revalidated their title of Spanish Champions of the Gold Category in the tournament that was held at the facilities of the club Padbol Mallorca ONE in Son Rossinyol, which had the main sponsorship of Nissan Nigorra Baleares. "Juanal" and "Juanmi", who defeated Fran Santiago and Javier Asensio in the final, will represent Spain in the IV Padbol World Cup "Romania 2019". It should be noted that the champions had a very tough semifinal too, as they measured another of the best couples in the world, Pep Suau and Migue Barceló. Carlos Ruiz and Javier Garcés have…
Copa América live!
Streaming Online of Copa América de Padbol: Group matches, Third Place and the Final Match First day https://youtu.be/8nuIbd-k9QQ?t=5m17s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNB0_xaiO0M Second day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxVPvQnmtak https://youtu.be/aaNMTCIPvrs?t=7m37s Semi Finals and Final https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltwfF6_6l8o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xTq4z9WBts
Spain European Champion!
Spain, the most powerful country in Padbol added a new trophy to consecrate the couple formed by Juanmi Hernandez and Migue Barceló Alonso as the first historic Padbol Champions of Europe. With Juanal Ramon Escalas, they are also the current World Champions. Congratulations to the Champions! Pictures
Padbol America Cup 2017 in Brazil
The first edition of the American Cup of Padbol will take place in Brazil next November, only a couple of months after its European equivalent competition, the Euro Cup. The tournament, where Padbol Brasil will be the host, will start on Friday, November 24 with the first matches of the group zone, ending on Sunday 26; and will be held at the Clube de Campo de Sorocaba (São Paulo). Delegations from Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivia and Puerto Rico have already confirmed attendance at the American Cup; and maybe more countries may join them. The event will be attended…
EURO Padbol Cup 2017 in Romania
Next September will be held the historical first edition of the EURO Cup of Padbol "Romania 2017" which will bring together all Padbol countries of the old continent and that also will have its equivalent competition in America. The tournament will start on Thursday, September 14 with the groups matches and will be developed - as usual in FIPA competitions - for 4 days, ending on Sunday 17. Delegations from Romania, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France and Belgium will be part of the Euro Cup. In this way Padbol Romania (@padbolromania) will host this important Padbol competition organized by…
The acrobatics of Araujo playing Padbol
The Argentine striker uses his skillful resources during a game of Padbol with players of Las Palmas Athletic. Sergio Araujo get fun playing Padbol. The Argentine striker of the UD Las Palmas, yielded to the AEK of Athens last winter, returns to Gran Canaria to enjoy his time of rest, but always with the ball stuck to the foot. Together with several players of Las Palmas Athletic, the striker of Neuquén (Argentina) shows his resources with a party to this fusion of soccer and paddle that reigns among the players.
Video summary of the Argentine National Championship 2017
Video summary of the Argentine National PADBOL Championship 2017 played at La Meca Padbol Club! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DetS-dXmXiw Do not miss the summary video dedicated to the Argentine National Padbol Championship that enshrined the couple formed by Gonzalo Maidana and Tomi Labayen, revalidating the title obtained in the previous edition. What is PADBOL? Created in 2008, more precisely in the city of La Plata, Bs As. Argentina, PADBOL has become the most innovative and attractive sport of this century, the fusion of 2 popular passions such as soccer and paddle tennis. as a result this engaging game. Its simple rules,…